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Membre depuis le 06/01/2011

Homme - En couple - Dalian (Etranger, Bénin)

I was born on a friday evening of 1982 in Cotonou. Not really far from the sea and not far from the desert either. Cotonou is about 10 minutes drive from Ouidah which used to be one of the largest slaves encampments on the west coast of Africa behind Goree in Senegal and Cape coast in Ghana. If you haven't visited these three places, I suggest you put it in your to-do list, for your own guidance and also because these are some of the place that shows you Africa has come a long way and has yet to go.
The challenge Africa is facing today is no more chains or colonialism which have impeded our development, as a nation of black people, over the centuries. More than yesterday, the challenge of Africa today is to African, of diverse horizon, to be able to come together, and be each of us the cog of the wheels system that will get Africa out of the cycle of poverty despite its numerous richeness.
This blog is not political orientated and won't be. I do my best so it doesnt. But I will also say, without bleaches, eveything I think about Africa, how I believe and in which way I believe things shall be steered. I welcome comments as long as they stayed in the line of ideas for better days under the sun of Africa. I can't continue without paying a special tribute to those of our african leaders who have borne tribulation and paid price of their life to make Africa a litle better place. Allow me then to name, just two of these few, Patrice Lumumba and Nelson Mandela.
Overall, this blog will feature Africa seen from my perspective, the perspective of an african which strongly believe in the potential of Africa and his fellow africans to make happen what they beleive in, it will eventually be the perspective of an african which has been exposed to diverse culture and people.
This blog will probably happen to deal with facts that have drawn my attention with the different cultures I've been expose too such as chinese, middle east, european etc


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